Un incontro nell’ apertura nel cuore per poter ritrovare in un mondo di guerre e conflitti noi stessi in uno spazio al di là della paura e del senso di separazione.
Il seminario che inizia giovedì 24 aprile e termina domenica 27 aprile alle 14.30 presso Finis Africae, a Senigallia. Si potrà soggiornare e mangiare sul posto o a scelta dove si vuole in luoghi limitrofi.
Due satsang con sessioni di domande e risposte in cui interagire direttamente con Shakti, e sessioni di musica e meditazione ci accompagneranno a ritrovare uno spazio di ascolto e pace interiore.
puoi soggiornare nella struttura principale o in strutture limitrofe
Scrivici per ricevere più info, ti risponderemo il prima possibile. La prenotazione non è completa senza una nostra conferma.
E’ previsto un breve colloquio per chi partecipa per la prima volta.
Di cosa fara esperienza
- Sei ore al giorno di insegnamenti teorici e pratici
- Potrai interagire direttamente con Shakti con domande e risposte
- Un’opportunità di entrare attraverso musica, meditazione e canti devozionali in uno spazio di cuore
Come partecipare
- Scrivici a info@shakticaterinamaggi.com per tutti i dettagli
- Se partecipi per la prima volta è necessario un breve colloquio introduttivo
- A richiesta offriamo supporto nei trasporti e passaggi auto
"Best 9 days of my life.
I am just in love, is all. Falling deeper in love. And as I fall deeper, I fall through heart break after heart break. Heart break that is not devoid of love, rather full of love."
"Shakti has a powerful energy field of love which transmutes everything in love itself. I really appreciate how at times she draws from many traditions to illustrate her points and her willingness to show us the truth sometimes in the softest ways. Thank you so much"
"Each retreat with Shakti that I have participated in has given me a clearer sense of my true self, as well as a greater ability to let go of my conditioning. Shakti teaches in a way that is very precise and understandable, and at the same time loving and compassionate."
"A powerful field that made my mind quiet. I realized layers of conditioning of my ego to a much deeper level, so that I could accept them. I found a new connection with my body as well, I feel now much more at ease with it. The sangha has trasmitted me a very pure love, very disinterested."
"I was surprised at how comfortable I felt, given that the teaching is so different from anything else I've encountered. Even though it was my first time, I felt right at home."
"It was so beautiful and intense. Shakti has a natural way of leading the retreat and she teaches in a very personal, clear, funny, straight forward and loving way. The teaching is given in just the right tempo and steps to understand and absorb and experience. The team is so loving and supporting! So thankful for this immense gift".
"I have learned to recognize myself a little more, there is a lot of work to be done, but it is beginning. I have learned the importance of perceiving myself and perceiving from a state of love and not fear...I hope to continue on this path. Thank you all for your presence"
"Just wanted to thank you again from the bottom of my heart... something has been seen: the "me-victim-burden-of-life" story/drama being JUST A STORY... It was so woven inside my personality that it was identified as "me", my "core identity"... I never saw this was just another story! You like to cut the root idea, so simple... Since then there a sense of freedom & vacuity here"
"Learning from Shakti during the last few years has been the most powerful and transformative gift of my life. Each reatreat is a jewel that opens up to ever-deepining layers of clarity, love and compassion "
"I want to thank you so much for the quality of your presence on the quality of the message and how you let it go through you and formalize it. It’s the perfect balance for me between the clarity of truth and its deep embodiment in the form that you incarnate, in the joy, humanity, in the deep appreciation also for the form, for Shakti, for the manifestation and its humor..."
"What have I learned? a very powerful tool that is transforming my meditation. a new point of view, which i am putting into practice and giving an immediate shift in consciousness. I am grateful."